Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bug Fix - Render The Cloud!

 Clouds, the un-render avatars of other people/players on the grid.  And something that can take some power to render waiting for the avatar to load.  How do we get around it...Render the avatar, and this is how....

Open the Advanced Menu at the top of the screen. If it's not available press ctrl+alt+D to show it. Once inside, go near the bottom of the drop down menu and select
DEBUG SETTINGS. The DEBUG window opens and in there select RENDERUNLOADEDAVATAR. Set this to TRUE, then exit the DEBUG box. This will stop you from seeing others as clouds but not stop you from being seen as one. Others must change their settings for that to work.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quick Simple Fix For More RAM {VISTA}

This is a simple fix that will increase RAM (Random Access Memory) that will not mess with any important systems.   Which means should work as it should, and if not, it's easy to turn back :)
This will mainly work for PCs, mac, I don't know if it will or if it even possible, and the system I used this trick on is vista...

Even though this is a simple computer alteration, if you are not sure even with this, contact someone who knows what they are doing, don't do anything you are unfamiliar with.   And If you want some one on one help,wither for this, or some other reason feel free to contact me.  

My only system at this moment is 'Windows Vista Home 64 Bit' I have little to no experience with Mac and have yet had the pleasure of using Windows 7

I do this for fun, and to help others have fun!  So, I might not know all the problems in the tech world, but I'll help you out with what I can, and research what I don't know to help you :)

First off, you'll need to enter the personalization menu of your computer
You can do this by either one of two ways.   Opening one of the drop down menus in a blank space of the desktop, and clicking on '( P )ersonalize.'  

Or you can go the long way
 'Control Panel' -> Appearance and Personalization :: And this will bring you into the personaliation menu...

Next click on the
'Windows Color and Appearance' link.  

Nowwww, we are in the place where you can select what your pc 'looks like'  How the menu bars are, the icons ectra. 
For the most part, it's always set to 'Windows Vista basic'  It's the default for vista.  
but we gonna change it to 'windows classic'

Windows classic looks like Windows 98.   Sure, not the most visual pleasing, but it takes the less ram!   Which means SL Should run a lot smoother!!!  And should make your system all togther run a little better...

I hope this works out for each and every one of you

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tricks !! Stopping Avi Typing

Every time you play sl, and start to type your avi preforms a simple, yet slightly annoying animation.  Typing on an invisible keyboard.  Even has a clicking sound like you would get with a regular keyboard.  Heh, but it's really simple to turn on and off, and here's how::

1.  Click on "Advance" on the top of your screen  - next to the word HELP  (if not - press ctrl+alt+D  to make it appear)

2.  Click on "Debug Setting"

3.  Click on the arrow and find "PlayTypingAnim"

4. Change that from True to False.

5.  Close Debug Settings

and to turn it on, you just change it back.  Simple, and easy!
Hope it helps you out

See ya grid side!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bug Fix! Avi Render

Well, had a really difficult problem boys and girls.  My avatar, for the last three days Would Not Rez.  It looked like a naked noobie that was seriously deformed.  But, I Have the solution!!!  It's easy, and it works without destroying everything so all the better!

Now, first things first, you'll need to open up the 'advance menu.'   Just a simple press of CTRL+ALT+D. 
Now, this will give you a whole lot of new options.
But, for this trick we need to focus on the 'development' section.  3rd group down in the advance menu.   5th choice in is the 'character' option.  Now, in this menu, you just go to 'character test.'
Finally after all that.  You select to either 'test male / test female' option.  It'll bring your avatar back to the default avi.  But, luckily after all this, you can add your cloths, prims.  Whatever you like without troubles!

Hope this helps you out. 
Feel free to ask questions!

Till next time,
later boys and girls!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A second Life

Hey there boys and girls.
Have you ever heard of a 'Second Life...'

It's a Meta-Verse game.  A digital universe, with a lot of possibilities. 
From Education, to just plane old FUN!   And, Thank to your one and only,
I'll show you some of the best and worsts of second life, and some amusing stories, and helpful tricks, tips and fixes I found in world.

So welcome, to my second life :3
Shiro Furse
                                                                                                   See Ya Grid Side